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Capital Improvements Plan Early Voting Through Saturday

On November 14, 2009, the citizens in the special taxing district of East Baton Rouge Parish will vote on a capital improvements plan to address infrastructure needs for public safety and the protection of property, drainage improvement, and economic development and job creation. The capital improvements will be financed through a series of bond issues supported by a One-half of One Percent (1/2%) Sales & Use Tax and a 9.9-mill property tax authorized to be levied and collected, subject to voter approval, by the Parish of East Baton Rouge Capital Improvements District, a parishwide taxing district.

Click here for more info on the components of the Bond Issue

Early voting for the November 14th bond proposition began last Saturday, and will continue through this Saturday (Nov. 7).

If you are downtown, it's really easy, just walk to the second floor of City Hall, 222 St. Louis Street (also home to the 19th JDC) and follow the signs to "early voting." You can also vote early at these locations:

Southeast Office: Court Plaza Building - 10500 Coursey Blvd Rm 203
Baker Office: Motor Vehicle Building - 2250 Main St, Baker, LA
Satellite Office: SOS Archives Building - 3851 Essen Ln, BR, LA

For more information on the Downtown Development District, visit our website.

227 Florida St.  |  Baton Rouge, LA 70801  |  (225) 389-5520 Office (225) 389-5523 Fax  |  8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. M-F

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