Downtown Development DistrictA Passion for ProgressDowntown Events Coming Up...

NOTICE: The Smart Growth Summit has been cancelled and will be rescheduled in its entirety.

Center for Planning Excellence announced this morning that the 7th Louisiana Smart Growth Summit has been cancelled due to the threat caused by Tropical Storm Isaac. The entire event, which was to begin with a reception and keynote address this evening and continue with panel discussions on Tuesday and Wednesday will be rescheduled. As soon as details regarding new dates for the summit are confirmed, CPEX will send out notifications and information will be posted on the summit website at Registrants with any questions can email

For information on tropical storm Issac and updates please call the Office of Emergency Preparedness at
(225) 389-2100 or



For a full listing of upcoming events, visit our website.

227 Florida St.  |  Baton Rouge, LA 70801  |  (225) 389-5520 Office (225) 389-5523 Fax  |  8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. M-F

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